
The 3rd Topic
Tips for tapping ~Hey kids! You should hear me out!~

In previous topics, we explained tips of how to speak.
In the 1st topic, we told that you need practice to speak well with a regulator in your mouth, and the practice is not special one, but just keep speaking. In the 2nd topic, we told that you should not use the words which are difficult to pronounce, and need to tell the words you will speak underwater before diving for better communication in the sea.

This time, we’re going to write about the tips for tapping to switch transmitting and receiving mode of Logosease. Hope you will enjoy it.

Logosease is a walkie-talkie for diving. Do you know what walkie-talkie is?
Walkie-talkie has two modes; receiving mode which receives voice of a person on the other end and transmitting mode which sends speaker’s voice to the person. We use the unit by switching these modes. In old TV dramas, we saw scenes that a detective said “This is ○○○, over”, or “Copy that, over”. This “over” means a speaker has finished speaking and it is receiver’s turn to speak. With walkie-talkie, a speaker and a receiver speak in turn.

You may wonder why we cannot talk like with cell phones. Actually radio wave cannot travel in the sea. Logosease uses ultrasonic wave for communication. It is very difficult to apply the communication technologies used on land to underwater environment. We cannot set base stations for cell phones in the sea. Walkie-talkie is a telecommunication tool that needs no infrastructure.

You can switch receiving mode and transmitting mode by light tapping. An acceleration sensor is embedded in the rounded part at the bottom of the unit. By tapping there, the unit makes “pi, bo” sound and switches from receiving mode to transmitting mode. Tapping one more time, it makes “pi, bobobo” sound and switches from transmitting mode to receiving mode. You can distinguish transmitting mode from receiving mode by these two different sounds.

Every time you tap the unit, the mode is switched alternately. It may be hard for you to distinguish these sounds until you get used to the sounds. At that time, tap one more time and listen to the sound, then, you can understand clearly which mode the unit is.

Below is the summary of the tips so far.

  • When the unit switches to receiving mode, it makes “pi bobobo” sound.
  • When the unit switches to transmitting mode, it makes “pi bo” sound.
  • When you do not know which modes the unit is, tap once and listen to the sound.

That’s all for the basic use of Logosease. All you have to do is to tap it lightly. It’s so easy.

However, one of our team members complained “The unit wouldn’t switch to transmitting mode no matter how many times I tap! I have a headache by tapping so many times!” What happened to him? The main purposes of this topic are to explain why he had this problem and how to cope this.

According to non-Japanese people, Japanese people tend to interrupt other person.
If you are Japanese, are you aware of this? When I was a child, my mother used to tell me “Hear me out!” Well? Does this story have anything to do with tapping? In fact, it does!

Logosease uses bone conduction speaker to transfer vibration directly to the bones. On the other hand, by tapping, vibration is detected by an acceleration sensor to switch the mode. Both systems utilize “vibration.” Logosease will switch the mode to transmitting automatically when large sound (vibration) is released from the speaker. In this case, we cannot have a proper conversation. To prevent this trouble, Logosease monitors sound volume (vibration) from the speaker and adjusts the sensitivity level of the acceleration sensor automatically.

  • In silent condition, the unit switches to transmitting mode by light tapping.
  • With small sound level, the unit switches to transmitting mode by little stronger tapping.
  • With medium sound level, the unit switches to transmitting mode by much stronger tapping.
  • With large sound level, tapping doesn’t work.

Tapping is difficult to work while you hear voices from the speaker.
When your buddy finished speaking, only light tapping is good enough, but it is not easy to interrupt your buddy’s speaking even by tapping very strongly.
If you feel Logosease does not switch the mode, wait until your buddy finishes speaking. You will find you can actually switch it easily. What will you do if your buddy does not stop speaking? In this case, cover the antenna of Logosease with your hand and create condition of silent condition forcibly.

Below is the summary of the tips for avoiding headache caused by too much tapping.

  • When you want to switch to transmitting mode, tap the unit while no sound is released from the speaker.
  • When you want to interrupt your buddy who keep speaking, cover the antenna of the unit with your hand and create silent condition.

Since we have learned this tip, we started listening to what other team members say without interrupt and we don’t keep speaking any more. Of course, we don’t hear a complaint as “I have a headache by tapping so many times!”. It is important to hear someone out, isn’t it?
